ProSomnus® EVO® Sleep and Snore Device

#A120 - 20161 86th Ave Langley BC V2Y 2C1

Alternative Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Alternative Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Did You Know CPAP is Not Your Only Option?

Did You Know CPAP is

Not Your Only Option?

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A Comfortable Alternative to CPAP

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A Comfortable

Alternative to CPAP

Do you sleep well & feel vitally refreshed each morning?

If not, you are not alone. Nearly 1 billion people worldwide have Sleep Disordered Breathing, which includes sleep apnea, upper airway resistance and snoring. We all need sleep and sleeping well is vitally important to a healthy mind and body.

Do you sleep well & feel vitally refreshed each morning?

If not, you are not alone. Nearly 1 billion people worldwide have Sleep Disordered Breathing, which includes sleep apnea, upper airway resistance and snoring. We all need sleep and sleeping well is vitally important to a healthy mind and body.


Snoring alone can disturb a peaceful sleep not only for the one who snores but also for their bed partner, family, friends, or anyone in earshot distance! Many people think of it as a social embarrassment, but snoring is a medical condition that can be linked to a sleep deficit causing daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, and decreased libido. Loud snoring has been associated with increased heart attacks and strokes and may be a sign of something more serious.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea


OSA is characterized by episodes of a complete or partial airway collapse with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep sometimes up to a hundred times per hour. If you experience or are made aware this may be happening, please bring it to the attention of your physician.

Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)

UARS are events of intermittent airway collapse during sleep causing an increase in breathing effort which results
in brief awakenings from sleep. These awakenings or arousals are often undetected by the affected individual, but can result in fragmented sleep and restricted nasal airflow which may lead to increased mouth breathing.

Treatment Options for Sleep Disordered Breathing?

CPAP - A machine creates forced air that is directed through a hose and mask into your airway.

Oral Appliance Therapy - Digital scans are taken of your upper and lower teeth, along with a bite position identified by a qualified Dental Sleep Medicine Dentist to create two precision appliances, one for your upper teeth and the other for your lower teeth. Together they can reposition and stabilize your lower jaw during sleep to maintain an open unobstructed airway. Resolve sleep-disordered breathing comfortably and confidently without the use of hoses, masks, or surgery.

Surgery - Various surgical procedures are possible and can be discussed with your physician to learn about rates of success and side effects.

Lifestyle Modifications - Losing weight, exercise, limiting consumption of alcohol, stopping smoking, avoid certain medications under the direction of your physician

Adjunctive Therapy - can include sleep position aids, nasal breathing aids, nasal sprays, nasal lavage


Snoring alone can disturb a peaceful sleep not only for the one who snores but also for their bed partner, family, friends, or anyone in earshot distance! Many people think of it as a social embarrassment, but snoring is a medical condition that can be linked to a sleep deficit causing daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, and decreased libido. Loud snoring has been associated with increased heart attacks and strokes and may be a sign of something more serious.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea


OSA is characterized by episodes of a complete or partial airway collapse with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep sometimes up to a hundred times per hour. If you experience or are made aware this may be happening, please bring it to the attention of your physician.

Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)

UARS are events of intermittent airway collapse during sleep causing an increase in breathing effort which results
in brief awakenings from sleep. These awakenings or arousals are often undetected by the affected individual, but can result in fragmented sleep and restricted nasal airflow which may lead to increased mouth breathing.

Treatment Options for Sleep Disordered Breathing?

CPAP - A machine creates forced air that is directed through a hose and mask into your airway.

Oral Appliance Therapy - Digital scans are taken of your upper and lower teeth, along with a bite position identified by a qualified Dental Sleep Medicine Dentist to create two precision appliances, one for your upper teeth and the other for your lower teeth. Together they can reposition and stabilize your lower jaw during sleep to maintain an open unobstructed airway. Resolve sleep-disordered breathing comfortably and confidently without the use of hoses, masks, or surgery.

Surgery - Various surgical procedures are possible and can be discussed with your physician to learn about rates of success and side effects.

Lifestyle Modifications - Losing weight, exercise, limiting consumption of alcohol, stopping smoking, avoid certain medications under the direction of your physician

Adjunctive Therapy - can include sleep position aids, nasal breathing aids, nasal sprays, nasal lavage

Oral Appliance Therapy

A Simple, Compact & Comfortable First Line Treatment

for Sleep Disordered Breathing

Oral Appliance Therapy

A Simple, Compact & Comfortable First Line Treatment for

Sleep Disordered Breathing

About Dynamic Dental

About Dynamic Dental

Patient care and comfort are of utmost importance to us- that’s why our facility has been specially designed

so that we can provide our services in spacious, yet intimate surroundings.

Dr. Vranjes strongly believes that patient communication and education are the cornerstone for a strong patient/dentist relationship. Dr. Vranjes and all the staff at Dynamic Dental are here to answer any of your dental health questions, and are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

Dr. Nikola Vranjes – Dentist

I was born and raised in Ottawa.

I discovered my passion for working with my hands while working at my father’s denture clinic during my summers. I saw my father’s commitment to improve his patients’ eating abilities and their facial appearance and the pride he had in his profession. It inspired me to choose a profession where I could help people and develop relationships.

I started my path towards Dentistry by completing my Bachelor of General Science at the University of Ottawa before completing my Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Alberta in 2008.

I worked in Ottawa for 2 years, and have been practicing dentistry in Calgary since 2010.

My journey in Sleep dentistry began in 2012, where I not only treated patients with oral appliance therapy, but I was also involved in research and clinical trials, testing new protocols and devices to help improve oral appliance therapy. I was awarded the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine research award in 2016.

Sleep continues to be a significant portion of my dental practice, and I take great pride in helping people improve their quality of life through treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.


Registered Dental Assistant + Sleep Coordinator

Patient care and comfort are of utmost importance to us- that’s why our facility has been specially designed

so that we can provide our services in spacious, yet intimate surroundings.

Dr. Vranjes strongly believes that patient communication and education are the cornerstone for a strong patient/dentist relationship. Dr. Vranjes and all the staff at Dynamic Dental are here to answer any of your dental health questions, and are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

Dr. Nikola Vranjes – Dentist

I was born and raised in Ottawa.

I discovered my passion for working with my hands while working at my father’s denture clinic during my summers. I saw my father’s commitment to improve his patients’ eating abilities and their facial appearance and the pride he had in his profession. It inspired me to choose a profession where I could help people and develop relationships.

I started my path towards Dentistry by completing my Bachelor of General Science at the University of Ottawa before completing my Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Alberta in 2008.

I worked in Ottawa for 2 years, and have been practicing dentistry in Calgary since 2010.

My journey in Sleep dentistry began in 2012, where I not only treated patients with oral appliance therapy, but I was also involved in research and clinical trials, testing new protocols and devices to help improve oral appliance therapy. I was awarded the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine research award in 2016.

Sleep continues to be a significant portion of my dental practice, and I take great pride in helping people improve their quality of life through treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.


Registered Dental Assistant + Sleep Coordinator

How did you sleep? Is your snoring keeping your partner awake at night?

Don’t have the energy to get through your day? Have you been diagnosed with with sleep apnea and wonder if an oral appliance is a treatment option for you?

Our friendly sleep coordinator, Janelle is here to help. Janelle has been a Registered Dental Assistant since 1995 and has been our dedicated sleep coordinator since 2017.

Getting to know our patients and helping them improve their quality of life and overall health is what drives Janelle. In her spare time, Janelle is busy cheering on her children, Mason and Olivia.

How did you sleep? Is your snoring keeping your partner awake at night?

Don’t have the energy to get through your day? Have you been diagnosed with with sleep apnea and wonder if an oral appliance is a treatment option for you?

Our friendly sleep coordinator, Janelle is here to help. Janelle has been a Registered Dental Assistant since 1995 and has been our dedicated sleep coordinator since 2017.

Getting to know our patients and helping them improve their quality of life and overall health is what drives Janelle. In her spare time, Janelle is busy cheering on her children, Mason and Olivia.

What People Are Saying About Dynamic Dental

What People Are Saying About Dynamic Dental

Oral Appliance Patient Testimonials

Oral Appliance Patient Testimonials

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